Drake Motor Inn

Developed award winning branding and identity for the launch of Drake Motor Inn, The Drake’s first motel in Prince Edward County.

brand identity | copywriting | content strategy | social 


Develop the brand identity for The Drake’s first motel in Prince Edward County.


I wrote copy and worked closely with the design team to create the identity of the new nostalgic motel. I developed all of the in-room collateral, including a welcome map, and on property assets, like the vending machine. As the Brand Manager at The Drake, I also developed and executed a comprehensive marketing strategy for the launch.


An award winning brand that sold out all rooms on week one.

“The system stays true to a simple idea played out across everything from the marketing communications, interior space, hotel collateral and signage to the clever self-service vending machine. And the writing helps pull everything together capturing the feeling of a simpler time... an ideal place to get away from it all."

– Wade Convay, Judge of RGD Awards


Building Materials