Drive-In Movie

A book cover for a meta horror novel where the line between reality and fiction starts to blur.

creative direction | graphic design


Design a book cover for a novel about a community coming together to watch a horror movie filmed in their small town. As they’re watching the film at the drive-in, a killer emerges and the line between fiction and reality blurs.


My concept involved reflection and metaphor, like the novel. On the front cover, I carefully placed popcorn to resemble cars at the drive-in, and designed the title so it appears to be on a movie screen. The back cover mirrors the front, but with bloodied popcorn. This gives the effect that they’ve been murdered as the end credits roll.


A haunting book cover design that adds another layer of self-reference.

“Hannah brought a unique creative approach and an astute understanding of the market to her design work. She was able to take the concepts I had, focus them and produced stunning results that I couldn’t be happier with.”

— Daniel Perlmutter, Author


Coffee Shop

